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participation in politics
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participation in politics

participate !

– really and fully – shaping things in common together


time for outrage ? ... time to participate !

– beyond Hessel (et al.), and beyond his 'Zurich speech''1

Yes, it's time to participate! Yet, how to begin?

An easy answer, where you have real, full citizen's political rights,2 the generations before yours fought for, step by step. And where all the people have plenty of occasions to learn how to shape things in common together. So, as the time comes, you may just begin right on with co-deciding on them:3

'I would be completely screwy to go on wasting my [valuable] time in those dumb demos with the children, when we have such wonderful possibilities!'

– the eldest of our children, after she, just of legal age, opened her first voting envelope and went through the forms one by one, commune (city), canton, federation... and, similarly, the just-of-legal-age other young ones'4

And elsewhere? In developing democracies a perhaps not so obvious, yet an 'easy' answer as well – 'Yes we can!' A journey in two paths to take.  · · · two paths →



1 Stéphane Hessel'↗︎ (1917 Berlin – 2013 Paris): Time for Outrage! (2011) / (fr) Indignez-vous ! (2010) – Get Involved! / (fr) Engagez-vous ! (2011) – To the outraged of this world! From protest to action, 'Zurich speech' / (de) An die Empörten dieser Erde! Vom Protest zum Handeln, 'Zürcher Rede' (2012)
1 see also Churchill's 'Zurich speech'↗︎

2 political rights'↗︎'4

3 voting on issues, co-deciding on them, in the communes (cities), cantons (cities), federation, more and more also international, four times a year / from time to time also voting for candidates (preferably individuals)
3 co-deciding, after wide discussions in the whole (interested) society, taking part in responsibilty for them – three of the 'building blocks' of direct participation (← assess & develop)

4 in 'democracy lab' Switzerland


↗︎ web search with google.ch





– currently working on the concept – building up the team –




Vladimir J Rott
Zurich / Berlin, Bonn / Prague

em  participation.direct@gmail.com

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