direct participation / direct participation in direct democracykey words & theory– note about the key words, terms as we use them and applied science, theory behind
key words, terms as we use them – participation / democracy• direct participation (in short : participation) – competent, constructive, cooperative and direct shaping things in common together (in politics : part of direct democracy) • all the people – in politics : whether elected or electing, initiating, voting (and a lot more) • direct democracy – developed representative democracy, where all the people can shape all things in common together 1 • in classical representative democracies 'participation' is usually understood as representative, indirect and/or as a collective term for isolated, limited procedures (also 'citizens' participation'), similar to the other collective term for such procedures 'direct democracy' or other 'democracies' applied science, theory behind• participative systems – short for participative, cooperative, constructive, competent, direct systems – ETH 2 • participative systems in politics – ETH / ZDA 2 _________ 1 some theoreticians also say 'semi-direct democracy' 2 and others – as they join in
– currently working on the concept – building up the team –