participation in politicscases, examples, ideas– of direct participation
Some of the instruments, procedures, processes of direct democracy 1 inspired their introduction, or proposals to introduce them, in other, representative, democracies by those seeking their further development.2 Like, locally, e.g. in the EU communes, regions, countries and in the EU, EU-wide:
Initiatives and referenda (I&R) are the oldest 'twins' of direct participation, basic milestones in the processes of direct democracy.1 ... Conventions and constitutions ... in progress, come back soon:)
direct democracy – developed representative democracy
· · · key words & theory ▲
e.g. in the 'democracy lab' of Bavaria, taking steps on this way after WWII, initated by a few returning from their Swiss exile, followed, one by one, by others in the 'democracy lab' of Germany, its countries, communes and later on co-initiating the discussion on more democracy in the EU
in the beginning of our century the Irish government / parliament introduced 'constitutional convention' / 'citizens assembly', representative bodies including also selected citizens, discussing and presenting proposals, which may be voted on by the people, as the government / parliament decide
– currently working on the concept – building up the team –